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Будь ласка, перегляньте мої відео з продакт-плейсменту:
Yoni Health
Jade Egg, Black Obsidian Eggs
In this video, I strategically offered the kegel egg products while teaching the viewers about the health benefits of the products being promoted. This method engaged the viewers and many saw the benefit of the product and purchased from the suggested links.
Cancer Cures
Various Herbs and Minerals
In this video, I offered personal testimonials of the products I used to heal myself of cancer naturally and holistically. I offered links to purchase the products as well, and I also promote the items on my holistic health page.
Aura Cleanse
Selenite Crystal
In this video, I demonstrated how to cleanse the aura using a selenite crystal. I discussed the holistic benefits of the stone, and offered links to purchase the item.
Будь ласка, зв’яжіться зі мною за адресою bijoubisous112@gmail.com, щоб просувати ваш продукт, бренд чи послуги. Для мене буде честю поділитися своїми продуктами та/або послугами з моїми підписниками, які дуже цінують мою думку. Спасибі за вашу увагу.